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What to Expect in Minecraft 1.21: New Features and Updates

1.21 is set to bring exciting new features to the game like a new hostile mob, underground structure, automatic crafter and more!

Publicado: ⁨16 de marzo de 2024⁩

Expected to be released in the summer of 2024, we're looking forward to a bunch of new features being brought to the 1.21 update. Here's a look at what you can expect:

The Breeze


A hostile mob that jumps around the battlefield, shooting blasts of air that may not deal any damage, but can knock back entities by several blocks. This attack can also activate redstone traps hidden inside the underground structure in which the Breeze spawns — trial chambers.


You can find them easily in the Overworld while exploring caves, and they're procedurally-generated meaning the loot and the layout of the structure will be different in each one you find.



This new savannah-dwelling mob is easily startled, rolling into a ball when it detects a nearby threat like hostile mobs or sprinting players. Perhaps our favourite feature of Armadillos is their ability to drop a Scute when killed (or when harvested with a Brush, no killing necessary).

This new item can be used to craft...

Wolf Armor


You can equip this on your tamed wolf to significantly increase their HP, giving them a buff in fights against mobs, while reducing damage taken from the environment too.



Finally, we're certainly excited about the Crafter, a new block that uses redstone pulses to help you auto-craft. Just pop the ingredients for whatever you’d like to make into its inventory, set the recipe, and apply a redstone pulse.

Mumbo Jumbo has already created a video showcasing the Crafter from the 1.21 snapshot:

For a fully comprehensive list on everything coming to the new update, we recommend taking a look at the wiki page here which should be updated with the latest information.

Lilypad will be offering Minecraft 1.21 as a version for your Minecraft server as soon as it's available. Take a look at our plans, powered by latest-gen Ryzen 9 hardware, or get in touch to learn more about what we can offer.